Bowdabra Facts

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What is the Bowdabra?

The Bowdabra (pronounced like “abracadabra”) is an easy-to-use crafting tool people use to make professional-looking, hand-tied bows at home.

What types of things can a Bowdabra be used for?

Just about any type of material can be used in a Bowdabra to create beautiful bows for gifts, baskets, home décor, bridal decorations, hair accessories, and more.

How does the Bowdabra work?

The Bowdabra’s patented design makes it simple to create medium to large bows. The process begins by inserting a piece of ribbon wire into the Bowdabra. Then, material is either scrunched or folded on top of the wire to achieve the bow size and fullness desired. Once the material is in, the Bowdabra Wand is used to compact the material onto the ribbon wire. The wire is then tied, and the bow can be removed from the Bowdabra. Once removed, the bow can be fluffed, arranged, and retied to the maker’s liking.

Who is Sandy Sandler?

Sandy Sandler is the creative mind behind the Bowdabra. She owned a corporate gift company that created gift baskets and other items in need of bows and found it difficult to train employees to create them by hand. Sandy tried other bow-making tools on the market, but they were difficult to use and did not produce the result she was looking for. Certain there had to be a better way to quickly and easily create bows; Sandy hired a design engineer to help develop what became the Bowdabra.

Did Sandy Sandler invent the Bowdabra?

While Sandy takes credit for recognizing the need for a better way to make bows, she shares the spotlight with her team of designers that helped make her dream a reality. Patents for the Bowdabra are in Sandy’s name.

Where are Bowdabras sold?

Bowdabras can be found in retail stores like ACMoore, Michael’s, Hancock Fabrics, and Garden Ridge. They are also available online at Many owner-operated craft shops stock Bowdabra as well. Check with your local craft supply store.

How much does a Bowdabra cost?

The exact pricing for the Bowdabra varies slightly between retailers, but remains inexpensive in the range of $14.99 to $30.00, depending on the kit configuration. When you factor in the money saved not having to buy manufactured bows, the Bowdabra practically pays for itself.

2505 Anthem Village Drive, Suite E450, Henderson, NV 89052

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Bowdabra Offer - Easy Hair Bows Making Tools