Hi, I’m Sandy Sandler, creator of the Bowdabra bow maker. Today I’m going to show you how to make a gorgeous all tails bow using nothing but scrap ribbons. And to make it pop, I’m going to add a simple dollar store ornament to the center.
This easy holiday hack gives you a high-end, custom look for practically free. I’ll walk you through the step-by-step process and share my top tips. In just a few minutes, you can create a stunning all-tails bow to elevate your holiday decor. Let’s get started!
14 assorted pieces of 1.5” wide wired ribbon strips, 8”-9” long – pre dovetailed
Dollar Store Christmas ornament
Bowdabra ribbons:
First, cut a piece of Bowdabra bow wire. Then, fold it in half and insert it into the Bowdabra. You will have a loop on one side and two loose wires on the other side. This will serve as your slipknot. Tuck the ends under to stay out of the way while you are making your bow.
Next, cut strips of the Bowdabra snowflake ribbon and dovetail the ends. To dovetail, fold the ribbon in half and cut at an angle away from the fold.
Now, find the center of the ribbon strips and place them alternating the colors in the Bowdabra. Followed by laying in some strips of Gleam ribbon.
Finally, add a dollar store ornament to the center.
Now scrunch everything down with the Bowdabra wand. Then, insert the loose wires through the loop and pull tight while the bow is still in the Bowdabra. Then, remove the bow from the Bowdabra, separate the ends, turn to the back, and tie a knot. Tie a double knot for extra security. The Bowdabra wire makes it so easy!
To finish the all tails bow simply pull apart all the tails to shape the bow. You have a perfect, budget-friendly, gorgeous bow!