Step-by-Step: Personalize Your Ballpoint Pen for a Unique Back-to-School Touch

Personalizing a ballpoint pen with embroidery floss and beads can be a fun and creative way to add a unique touch to your school supplies. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to make your own back-to-school personalized ballpoint pen.Back-to-School Personalized Ballpoint Pen

Gather your materials:Supplies for Back-to-School Personalized Ballpoint Pen

  • Embroidery floss in your choice of color
  • Beads (size 6 seed beads work well)
  • Ballpoint pen
  • ¼” or ½” double sided tape
  • Gel super glue

Let’s make your own back-to-school personalized ballpoint pen:

  1. Start with a full skein of embroidery floss, but don’t cut it. Find an end of the floss and thread beads onto the floss. To make the threading easier, you can use a needle or stiffen the end of the floss with nail polish or glue. Of course, you’ll have to wait until the floss dries before threading on the beads. You can thread as many beads as you want, but it’s safer to thread more than you think you’ll need.Thread Beads on Floss
  2. Next, cut a length of double sided tape about 1″ long, and wrap it around the bottom of the pen. Add another wrap next to the first one, being sure not to leave any gap between them. It’s better to overlap than to leave untaped  areas. It’s also OK to overlap the beginning and end of the wrap.Position Double Sided Tape at End of Pen
  3. Position the beginning tail of the floss on the tape as shown. The end of the floss should point toward the top of the pen.Position Beginning Tail of Floss on Taped Pen
    Begin wrapping the pen:
  4. Now, holding the beginning tail in place, begin wrapping the floss tightly around the pen.Begin Wrapping Floss Around Pen
  5. Add two more rounds of double sided tape as the embroidery floss wraps progress.Add More Double Sided Tape as Wraps Progress
  6. Slide the first bead onto the pen and continue wrapping the embroidery floss.Add First Bead to Wraps
  7. Continue wrapping the floss, positioning beads, and adding tape to the pen. Beads can be added randomly or in a straight or diagonal line. The number and arrangement of the beads is your choice. As you become more confident with the wrapping process, you can add three or four rounds of tape at a time. Continue Wrapping and Adding Beads
  8. As you near the top of the pen, position the last piece of tape even with the top edge of the pen.Position Last Piece of Double Sided Tape at Top of Pen
  9. Wrap floss to the top of the pen, and trim leaving a short tail.Wrap Floss to Top of Pen
  10. Secure the floss at the top of the pen with super glue. I prefer the gel control formula because it is easier to work with. When the glue is totally dry, trim the tail of the floss close to the glue drop.
  11. And there you have it! Your back-to-school personalized ballpoint pen with embroidery floss and beads is ready for your first day. Enjoy using your unique creation!Back-to-School Personalized Ballpoint Pen (Instagram)
Bowdabra's easy-to-create bow-makers are available at the Bowdabra website's online store and also at various retail establishments such as Amazon, AC Moore, Pat Catan's Stores, Jo Ann store, Michael's, and Walmart.

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