How to Make the Perfect Me & Dad Photo Frame for a kids Father’s Day Gift

Highlight that great photo of dad with a special ME & DAD frame for the perfect kids Father’s Day gift.

Dad will be sure to treasure this lasting memento of his time with you.

Me & Dad Father's Day Photo Frame

These are the supplies you’ll need:

  • Photo frame
  • Wooden letter tiles
  • Double-sided adhesive
  • Your favorite me and dad photo

Note: I found all the supplies for this project at the dollar store :)

Let’s make the ME & DAD Father’s Day photo frame:

  1. First, experiment with the placement of your letters. When you’re happy with your layout, add double-sided adhesive to the backs of each letter tile.
  2. Then, glue each tile in place on the  frame.Kids Father's Day
  3. Print your photo, size it to fit the opening of your frame.
  4. Insert the photo into the frame.
  5. Gift dad with the perfect Father’s Day present!Kids Father's Day

    You have the perfect kids Father’s Day gift that dad is sure to love.  For more kid’s crafts and art projects visit the Bowdabra blog.

    There are hundreds of ideas for gifts kids can make on the Bowdabra blog, like this decorated golf ball set.



Bowdabra's easy-to-create bow-makers are available at the Bowdabra website's online store and also at various retail establishments such as Amazon, AC Moore, Pat Catan's Stores, Jo Ann store, Michael's, and Walmart.

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