How to Use Scraps of Vinyl to Make an Adorable Tooth Fairy Bottle

Kids can make their own tooth fairy bottle with a few scraps of vinyl and a poof made on the Mini Bowdabra.Tooth Fairy Bottle

What  you’ll need to make the tooth fairy bottle:

  • Empty pill bottle
  • Scraps of vinyl—white for the tooth and your choice of color for covering the bottle
  • Vinyl transfer tape (Glad Press & Seal makes a great substitute)
  • Tooth Template
  • 2′ to 3′ length 6″ tulle (the longer the tulle, the poofier the poof)
  • Mini Bowdabra Bow Making and Design Tool
  • 15″ length Bowdabra bow wire
  • Hot glue or strong adhesive such as E6000

Here’s how to make it:

  1. First, measure the circumference and height of the pill bottle.Measure Bottle Dimensions
  2. Cut a piece of colored vinyl according to the measurement in Step 1.Cut Vinyl to Bottle Dimensions
  3. Use the Tooth Template to select a tooth the appropriate size for your pill bottle. Use your selected tooth as a pattern, and cut one out of the white vinyl. Weed away excess vinyl, leaving only the tooth on the carrier sheet.Cut Out Tooth
  4. Cover the tooth with transfer tape or Press & Seal.Cover Tooth with Transfer Tape
  5. Carefully, peel away the carrier sheet leaving the tooth adhered to the transfer tape.Tooth on Transfer Tape
  6. Position the tooth in the center of the colored piece of vinyl. Note: This is a permanent placement. Once the tooth touches the colored vinyl, it’s stuck and cannot be repositioned. So, hold the transfer tape close to, but above the colored vinyl, and move it around until it’s where you want it. Slowly lower the transfer tape and tooth onto the colored vinyl.Position Tooth on Bottle Vinyl
  7. Gently peel the transfer tape away.Tooth on Bottle Vinyl
  8. Remove the carrier sheet from the colored piece of vinyl, and wrap around the pill bottle.Wrap Vinyl around Bottle

Now, let’s make the poof for the top:

  1. Fold the bow wire in half and put it in the Mini Bowdabra. Tuck the ends of the wire under the Mini Bowdabra to keep them out of the way.Wire in Mini Bowdabra Silver
  2. Next, cut the 6″ tulle in half lengthwise so you have two 24″ to 36″ lengths that are 3″ wide. Lay one length on top of the other and scrunch the tulle into the Mini Bowdabra with the narrow ends parallel to the Bowdabra base.Scrunch Tulle into Mini Bowdabra
  3. Compress the tulle with the Mini Bowdabra wand.Compress Tulle with Wand
  4. With the tulle still in the Mini Bowdabra, pass the wire ends through the loop, and tighten. Bring the wires to the back side of the bow and tie a knot. Leave the wire ends long.Pass Wire Ends through Loop
  5. Fluff the poof.Fluff Poof
  6. Trim the bow wires to about ¼”. Glue the poof to the top of the pill bottle lid. Now you’re ready for the tooth fairy!!Tooth Fairy Bottle (Instagram)
Bowdabra's easy-to-create bow-makers are available at the Bowdabra website's online store and also at various retail establishments such as Amazon, AC Moore, Pat Catan's Stores, Jo Ann store, Michael's, and Walmart.

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