This is a Tartan ribbon-inspired hair bow. Sport the Scottish look with this beautiful red plaid ribbon and a no-sew bow tie shape. Someone recently asked Bowdabra if it was possible to make a Tartan Hair bow in the Bowdabra. Well, I took a shot at it & this is what I came up with.
First, do a little bit of folding, like we’re doing origami with our ribbon. Then we use the Large Bowdabra (because of how thick this kind of ribbon is) to hold the bow pieces in place, so they can be assembled & secured with Bowdabra Bow Wire.
I was blown away at how adorable this bow turned out! This bow can have multiple uses, not just a hair bow. It would be beautiful as a fashion accessory, gift wrapping, Christmas tree decor, crafting accessory, a simple-small wreath bow, and much more!
How to make a tartan hair bow
There’s just something about the simplicity of a red plaid bow and the only word that comes to my mind to describe this is classy! (The ribbon in this tutorial is the same on both sides. If using a one-sided ribbon, make the folded part with the wrong side of the ribbon facing upwards.)
2 – 17” strips of 2.5” wide plaid ribbon
1 – 7.5” pre-dovetailed strip of the same ribbon
1 -12” strip of the same ribbon
Elastic Pony Tail Holder or clip
Bowdabra Bow Wire
Large Bowdabra
Optional: Hot Glue
First, cut a length of Bowdabra bow wire, fold it in half, and place in the Bowdabra.
Next, dovetail a 7″ piece of plaid ribbon and lay it in the Bowdabra. Now, cut a piece of 17″ x 2 1/2″ plaid wired ribbon. Measure 7″ from one end, then fold in half in a triangle shape. Fold again to create a sort of square shape with a tail hanging down. It is important that everything is perfectly straight.
Next, fold the other side lining the edges up with the tail. You have another triangle shape, flip it over and create a square. Line the squares and tails together. Now flip over the tails. Pinch it in half with the backsides folded downward. Place it in the Bowdabra. The first half of the bow was completed.
Now, repeat the above steps for the second half of the bow. Scrunch everything down with the Bowdabra wand. Insert the two loose wires through the loop and pull tight. (slip knot) Remove from the Bowdabra, turn to the back and tie a knot. Tie or glue on a clip or hair tie. Fluff and arrange the bow.
To finish, fold a 12″ piece of matching ribbon in half and wrap it around the center of the bow and tie a knot. Use the excess as extra tails. You have a beautiful no sew tartan bow!
Music: There, Musician: Tyufyakin Konstantin, Source: VCG KonstantinTyufyakin