How to Make the Perfect Halloween BOO Banner Accented with Wicked Bows

Time for Halloween decorations—especially ones that young artists can create or help to create. Here’s a fun Halloween BOO banner that’s highlighted with easy-to-make bows created using the Mini Bowdabra.Hallowen BOO Banner

Here are the supplies that you’ll need for the Halloween BOO Banner:

For the banner:

  • One 8½” x 11″ sheet black cardstock for the letters
  • One 8½” x 11″ sheet orange cardstock for the pumpkin banner shapes
  • Liquid adhesive or double-sided tape
  • BOO text template
  • Pumpkin banner template
  • Two 6″ lengths of twine or narrow ribbon

For each of the two bows:

  • 12″ length of 6″ black or orange tulle
  • Three 4″ lengths of orange mesh ribbon
  • Three 4″ lengths of black mesh ribbon
  • Three 4″ lengths of ½” Halloween patterned ribbon
  • Three 4″ lengths of 1/8″ orange glitter ribbon
  • 15″ length Bowdabra bow wire
  • Mini Bowdabra Bow Making and Design Tool

Let’s make the Halloween banner bows first:

  1. Fold the 15″ bow wire in half and put it in the Mini Bowdabra. Tuck the ends of the wire under the Mini Bowdabra to keep them out of the way.Wire in Mini Bowdabra Gold
  2. Next, scrunch the tulle into the Mini Bowdabra with the narrow end parallel to the Bowdabra base.Scrunch-Tulle-into-Mini-Bowdabra
  3. Layer the grosgrain and glitter ribbons on top of the tulle.Layer-Glitter-and-Grosgrain-Ribbons-into-Mini-Bowdabra
  4. Next, layer the mesh ribbon on top of the ribbons already in the Mini Bowdabra.Layer-Mesh-Ribbon-into-Mini-Bowdabra
  5. Compress the ribbons with the Mini Bowdabra wand.Compress-Ribbons-with-Wand
  6. With the ribbons still in the Mini Bowdabra, pass the wire ends through the loop, and tighten. Bring the wires to the back side of the bow and tie a knot. Leave the wire ends long.Pass-Wire-Ends-through-Loop
  7. Fluff the bow and arrange individual ribbons. Set the bows aside while we make the banner.Fluff-Bow

Now, let’s make the banner:

  1. Print the Pumpkin Banner Template on orange cardstock and cut out the shapes. Print the BOO text template, cut out each template letter, trace onto black cardstock, and cut the letters from the cardstock.Cut Out Letters and Pumpkins for Halloween BOO Banner
  2. Adhere the letters to the banners with liquid adhesive or double-sided tape.Glue Letters to Pumpkins
  3. Tie the letters together with the short lengths of twine or narrow ribbon.Tie Letters Together
  4. Using the bow wires, tie a bow to each end of the Halloween BOO banner. Use the bow wire ends to tie the banner in place.Tie Bow to Ends of Banner
  5. Enjoy your BOO Banner!!Halloween BOO Banner (Instagram)
Bowdabra's easy-to-create bow-makers are available at the Bowdabra website's online store and also at various retail establishments such as Amazon, AC Moore, Pat Catan's Stores, Jo Ann store, Michael's, and Walmart.

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