How to Make the Perfect Indian Corn Decoration Using Pipe Cleaners and Beads

Show off the vibrant autumn colors with this beaded Indian corn decoration. Young artists will have fun threading the brightly colored pony beads on pipe cleaners to create their own Indian corn.Beaded Indian Corn Decoration

You only need two supplies for the beaded Indian corn—four fall-colored pipe cleaners and 9mm multi-colored pony beads—about 112 for each ear of Indian corn.Supplies for Beaded Indian Corn Decoration

Let’s make a beaded Indian corn decoration:

  1. Fold the four pipe cleaners in half.Fold Pipe Cleaners in Half
  2. At the halfway point twist to join the pipe cleaners.Twist at Halfway Point to Join Pipe Cleaners
  3. Spread the “arms” to form an eight-point star.
  4. Randomly thread 14 pony beads onto each arm.All Beads on Pipe Cleaners
  5. Gather the unbeaded ends together to form “husks.”
  6. Twist the tops together.Twist Pipe Cleaner Tops Together
  7. Enjoy decorating with your beaded Indian corn.Beaded Indian Corn Decoration (Instagram)

Be sure and visit the Bowdabra blog each and every Friday for another amazing kid’s craft or art project. There are hundreds of great projects on the blog so check them out for new ideas like these clothespin bats.  Crafting with kids creates memories that last a lifetime. Follow us on Facebook to keep up with all the new tutorials and videos!

Bowdabra's easy-to-create bow-makers are available at the Bowdabra website's online store and also at various retail establishments such as Amazon, AC Moore, Pat Catan's Stores, Jo Ann store, Michael's, and Walmart.

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