How to Use Your Child’s Handprint to Make the Best Father’s Day Card

Nothing is quite as endearing as a child’s handprint. Use your young artist’s handprint to make the best Father’s Day card ever.Handprint Father's Day Card

Here are the supplies you’ll need:

  • One 8½” x 11″ sheet white cardstock
  • One 8½” x 11″ sheet white copy paper
  • One or two 8½” x 11″ sheets colored cardstock
  • Markers or crayons
  • Double-sided tape
  • Ruler

Let’s make the handprint card:

  1. Trace one of your child’s hands onto the white cardstock. Cut out the tracing, correcting any lumpy, bumpy tracing lines.Trace Child's Hand
  2. Using the handprint that you cut out in Step 1 as a template, trace and cut two hands. The reason we’re using one template to trace two hands, is that the hands must be identical for the card to fit together properly. Just tracing both the child’s hands and cutting them out won’t accomplish this.Trace Handprint Template
  3. Measure the palm area on one of the cut out hands, leaving a margin on all sides. The narrowest measurement gives you the width of the strips of copy paper that you’ll cut in the next step.Measure Palm of Hand Print
  4. Cut strips of copy paper the width that you determined in Step 3.Cut Strips for Card Fold-out
  5. Join the strips of copy paper with double-sided tape. You can join as many or as few as you wish.Join Strips with Double Faced Tape
  6. Now it’s time for the young artist to decorate the strip.Decorate Cut Strips
  7. When the decorating is done, fan fold the strip in segments equal in width as the height of the strip. Each folded segment will form a square.Fan Fold Decorated Strip
  8. Add double-sided tape to the beginning end of the fan-folded strip.Add Double Sided Tape to Fan Folded Strip
  9. Position the taped, fan-folded strip on the left hand cut out.Position Folded Strip on Left Hand
  10. Add double-sided tape to the last segment, and carefully position the other hand directly on top of the first.Handprint Father's Day Card (Instagram) Visit the Bowdabra blog each Friday for more fun kid’s crafts and art projects!
Bowdabra's easy-to-create bow-makers are available at the Bowdabra website's online store and also at various retail establishments such as Amazon, AC Moore, Pat Catan's Stores, Jo Ann store, Michael's, and Walmart.

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