Nick from Nick’s Seasonal Décor shows us how to make some traditional and some non-traditional bows on Bowdabra Live that will take you from Fall to Christmas all the way to Valentine’s Day.
Materials required:
• 100 yard Silver Bowdabra bow wire
• Large Bowdabra
• Double-sided plaid patterned shimmery ribbon
1. Nick begins by snipping a medium-sized length of the silver bow wire, folds it into half before tucking it into and then underneath the Bowdabra.
2. He takes the plaid patterned ribbon roll and cuts up a 12-14” portion from it before folding it half to and holding the ends together to cut a dovetail pattern on the piece that is to be the bow tail.
3. He scrunches the tail into the Bowdabra so that there is an equal half on each side.
4. Nick takes the roll again and inserts it into the Bowdabra with an inch overhang on one side, and using the pinch-and-turn method tucks the ribbon into the Bowdabra to create as many loops as he can to create a full bow.
6. Then he pulls the bow wire from one end to the other and ties the bow, before compressing it lightly by hand. You can use the Bowdabra wand if you like.
7. Finally, he ties up the bow with 2-3 knots to secure it before fluffing up the loops.
Materials required:
• 100 yard Silver Bowdabra bow wire
• Large Bowdabra
• Single-sided red and white pin-stripe ribbon
• Single-sided lime green and white pin-stripe ribbon
1. Nick snips up a length of the silver bow wire, folds into half before tucking it into the Bowdabra and ultimately beneath it.
2. To fashion the first loop, Nick takes the red ribbon roll, inserts it in the pinch-and-turn fashion into the Bowdabra and upon making one loop he cuts it for size.
3. He repeats the process with the green ribbon, with the loop on the opposite this time around and continues alternating between the two colors, ending up with 3 red and 3 green loops.
4. Then he pulls the bow wire from one end to the other and ties the bow, before compressing it lightly by hand. You can use the Bowdabra wand if you like.
6. Finally, he makes the dovetail patterns on all the tails for the professional touch and fluff all the loops.
Materials required:
• 100 yard Silver Bowdabra bow wire
• Large Bowdabra
• Thin sheer shimmery purple ribbon
Purple 3-2-1 Halloween Bow
1. Nick begins by snipping up a length of the silver bow wire, folds it into half before tucking it into and then underneath the Bowdabra.
2. He cuts up a long portion of the sheer purple ribbon roll to fashion a lengthy tail, before scrunching it into the Bowdabra so that there is an equal half on each side.
3. He begins to loop in the ribbon by the pinch-and-turn method into the Bowdabra to create 3 loops on either side that are 4½” wide, remembering to leave a slight overhang on one side the first time around.
4. Then he adds 2 more loops on both side that are an inch shorter than the previous lot.
5. Nick makes a final loop that is only about 2” before slicing the roll away from the bow, before compressing the bow light by hand.
6. In the end, he pulls the bow wire from one end to the other and ties the bow, before he secures the bow with 2-3 knots and fluffs up the loops to complete it.
Materials required:
• 100 yard Silver Bowdabra bow wire
• Large Bowdabra
• Single-sided orange gingham ribbon
• Single-sided orange polka dot ribbon
• 10” green wreath
• Green stems
• Orange blossoms
1. Nick begins by snipping up a medium-sized length of the silver bow wire, folds it into half before tucking it into and then underneath the Bowdabra.
2. He makes one small-loop bow with the polka dot ribbon and adds it to the Bowdabra, before alternating it with the gingham patterned one.
3. He adds a total of 2 bows per pattern into the Bowdabra before pulling the bow wire from one end to the other, compresses and ties the bow.
4. He follows it up by cutting dovetail patterns on the ends and fluff the loops.
5. Finally, he brings out the wreath and attaches the composite bow to it before decorating it with slices of the green stems and a few orange flowers.
Materials required:
• 100 yard Silver Bowdabra bow wire
• Large Bowdabra
• Single-sided orange candy corn ribbon
Traditional Candy Corn Bow
1. Nick snips up a medium-sized length of the silver bow wire, folds it into half before tucking it into and then underneath the Bowdabra.
2. He cuts and creates a long tail first with the ribbon before getting to work on the loops, in different sizes, with the pinch-and-twist method.
3. He follows it up by pulling the bow wire from one end to the other, compresses it lightly and ties the bow up before fluffing up the loops for the professional touch.
4. He remembers to cut dovetail patterns on the tails.