The most amazing bows for decorating your home for Christmas with an assortment of ribbons using Bowdabra Bow Making tool.
Materials required:
* Large Bowdabra
* Red and green wired ribbon
* Emerald green wired ribbon
* Beautiful printed ribbon
Beautiful Decorative Bow
1. Nick begins the project by scrunching a beautiful red and green wired ribbon in the Large Bowdabra making loops with twist and turn method.
2. He tops it with another beautiful printed ribbon making loops.
3. Next he adds an emerald green ribbon over it, again making loops with the twist and turn method.
4. He repeats the entire process thrice with all three ribbons making loops with twist and turn method.
5. He ties all the ribbons and separates and fluffs the loops and dovetails the ribbon tails to finish the beautiful decorative bow that can be decorated on a wreath or a Christmas tree.
Materials required:
* Large Bowdabra
* Red and white polka dot ribbon
1. Nick scrunches a strip of beautiful red and white polka dot ribbon in the Large Bowdabra.
2. He tops it with another polka dot ribbon making 5 loops on both the sides.
3. He ties the ribbons and fluffs the loops to finish the beautiful polka dot bow.
Materials required:
* Large Bowdabra
* Beautiful red wired ribbon
Pretty Decorative Satin-Finished Bow
1. Nick scrunches a beautiful satin-finished wired red ribbon in the Large Bowdabra making loops with twist and turn method.
2. He ties the ribbons and fluffs the loops separating them to finish the beautiful homemade satin-finished bow.
Materials required:
* Large Bowdabra
* Zip tie
* Decorative printed ribbon
* Green twigs pick
* Decorative ball picks
* Glitter stems
Super Pretty Swag for Christmas
1. Nick ties two decorative picks with a zip tie.
2. He spreads the picks to complete the swag that can be used to decorate cabinet doors, house walls, kitchen doors etc. for Christmas decoration.
3. Next he scrunches a decorative ribbon in the Large Bowdabra and tops it with another similar ribbon making loops.
4. He ties the ribbons and attaches it to the pick swag. Spreading the loops, he adds some decorative ball picks to the swag and also adds a few glitter stems to the swag.
5. As a final touch, Nick adds some more pretty picks to the swag.