Do you want to make that bouquet of flowers even more beautiful? Simply add an easy to make Bowdabra bow to give it that wow factor!
I am a flower gardener and I love to plant new things in my yard every year. Getting my hands dirty is a fun thing. With my disabilities, I can’t do much but I have a sister who does amazing things for me. She will dig and I help put the plants in and cover them.
This year I planted Clematis on the fence in the backyard. They should eventually cover the outside of the fence. The two– rescue shih-tzus that own me won’t be able to see any big dogs running around, therefore there will be less barking going on. The backyard fence will be beautiful also.
My plans are to plant quite a few daylilies also in front of the house. It will be a good thing when there is something blooming all Summer long. I only have two Peonies blooming right now and the Hydrangeas are just now making buds. So, I went to the store and purchased some Peonies and Hydrangeas for this project.
Bowdabra Bowmaker
Bowdabra Wire
Two pieces of 2” W X 11” L Wired, Flowered Ribbon
2 Pieces of 1 ½” W X 11” L Crisscross, Wired Glitter Green Ribbon
2 Pieces of 1 ½ “ W X 5” L Crisscross, Wired Glitter Green Ribbon
1 Piece of 36” L X 1 ½” W Wired, Green/Gold Mesh Ribbon 1 Piece of 24” L X 1 ½” W Wired, Green/Gold Mesh Ribbon
2 Pieces of 5” L X 2” W Wired, Flowered Ribbon
Flowers of your choice
This is the Bowdabra Bowmaker that you should be using.
Begin your bow by cutting a long piece of your Bowdabra wire. Fold the wire in half and insert into the Bowdabra. Next, put the ends under each side of the Bowdabra Maker to keep them out of the way while you work.
Grab your first two pieces of ribbon, which would be the 2 pieces of 2” W X 11” L Wired and flowered ribbon. Scrunch them in the middle and insert them into the Bowdabra Bow Maker.
Next, you should grab the next two pieces of ribbon which are the 2- 1 ½” W X 11” L Crisscross, wired glitter green ribbon. Repeat step one by scrunching the ribbon in the middle and inserting it into the Bowdabra Maker. Use your Bowdabra Maker Wand and scrunch the ribbon down into the Bowdabra Maker.
Continue adding ribbon to your bow
For your third step use the 1 piece of 36” L X 1 ½” W Wired, Green/Gold Mesh Ribbon. Take the end and make a bow. Cross over and twist making another bow on the other side. Go back over the Bowdabra Maker, twisting and make another bow on the other side. Twist another time, make another bow and put the end through the Bowdabra Maker. Take out the wand and scrunch the ribbon down once again. Do this any time that you think it needs it.
Repeat the same process with the smaller pieces of ribbon, beginning with the 2 pieces 5” L X 2” W of Flowered and wired ribbon, then the 2 pieces 1 ½” W X 5” L Crisscross, wired glitter green ribbon. The last piece is the 24” L X 1 ½” W Wired Green/Gold Mesh ribbon which has been twisted into a double bow.
Take your ribbon out of the Bowdabra Bowmaker while inserting your one end of the wire into the loop on the other end of the wire. Pull this wire tight around your ribbon. The wire should be taken to the back of your bow and tied into a knot. Fluff out the ends of your bow and arrange your ribbon ends into the manner that you like. Your wire can now be tied around your flowers to finish off your project.
And here you are with your finished project! A beautiful bouquet of flowers that will get you compliments all season long.
Whenever you get the chance, please go to the Bowdabra Facebook page and watch Sandy Sandler create beautiful pieces with the Bowdabra Maker and the Bowdabra Mini. Her creations are awesome and you will learn a lot about making things with ribbon! Her broadcast is on at 7 Eastern Time, 6 Central Time, 5 Mountain Time and 4 Pacific Time every Monday! And one lucky viewer will receive a surprise gift. It could be you!