Sandy Sandler with her quick and easy gift ideas
Learn how to make amazing holiday gift ideas with the Bowdabra Bowmakers. In this easy to do Bowdabra video tutorial done as a Facebook Live, Sandy Sandler, creator of the Bowdabra takes you through the step by step process of making cute, simple yet inexpensive last minute gift ideas with amazing speed and precision.
Sandy shows you how to use the Mini Bowdabra with ease to make a cute snowman you can hang up and an adorable bow for the collar to help you dress up your puppy or kitty for the holidays. And if you are having a new puppy as a gift, how cute it is put the bow on the collar!
Next she uses the Large Bowdabra to make a really quick but elegant wreath, which you can hang on the door or in the kitchen or use it as a centerpiece. She uses a variety of ribbon pieces dovetailed and ornaments and beads and crunches them all down into the Bowdabra and uses the Bowdabra Bow Wire to tie them all up easily.
The next holiday gift ideas project involves decorating a simple picture frame to make it look really attractive with a DIY decor item using a few scraps of ribbon and a piece of floral pick all scrunched down into the Mini Bowdabra and then tied with the Bow Wire.
The final project is a really simple decoration which you can make with some large mesh. The best part of the Large Bowdabra is that you can use a big mesh with effortless ease. Sandy takes some gorgeous red mesh, folds its several times scrunching down each fold into the Bowdabra. Then she adds some cool matching floral picks and tying them all up with the Bowdabra Bow Wire. The large pretty bow that comes out of the Bowdabra is perfect for large presents or a decor item.
Helpful tip: Keep these ready when you watch this video to start making awesome holiday gift ideas in minutes:
* Large Bowdabra
* Mini Bowdabra
* Bowdabra Wand
* Bowdabra Bow Wire
* A selection of ribbons and scraps of ribbons
* Mesh
* Christmas floral picks
* Ornaments
Enjoy making these simple crafts with your Bowdabra tools.