
How to Make Fall Seasonal Bows to Celebrate Autumn

It’s that time of year when we start planning for fall festivities! The colors of the season, such as orange, green, burgundy, and yellow make lovely Fall seasonal bows for your décor and celebrations, especially when they’re done with ribbon. There are so many beautiful patterns of ribbons with these colors and what better way of showing them off throughout your home than by making bows to enhance your décor.

How to Make Fall Seasonal Bows

Let’s first gather:
• Assorted ribbon in 2.5″, 1.5″, 7/8″ widths
• Scissors, Ruler
Bowdabra Bow Wire
• Heat from flame or nail polish to seal ribbon

To create this bow, we will be stacking different widths of ribbon bows on top of each other. Begin by folding in half, 18 inches of Bowdabra bow wire, and placing it in the Bowdabra, tucking ends under. Next, cut a 27″ lengths of 2.5″ orange and 7/8″ of printed matching ribbon. Seal the ends of the ribbon, then lay the 7/8″ ribbon on top of the 2.5″ ribbon. To make your first loop, fold and twist the ribbon and press into the Bowdabra.

Next, fold and twist the other side at the same width for the next loop. Ribbon tails should be right-side-up and above your loops (I turned the photo around).

Insert additional widths of ribbon in longer lengths for more loops, into the Bowdabra making loops as before . . . fold and twist ribbon tails one at a time down through the center of the Bowdabra,

making first, two loops, then . . . .

four loops, scrunching ribbon down with the Bowdabra Wand.

Continue adding colors of the season matching ribbon into the Bowdabra . . .

folding and twisting and scrunching down . . .

until satisfied with bow fullness. Then, scrunch down one last time with the Bowdabra Wand.  Dove tail the ends by folding the ribbon in half lengthwise and cutting at an angle from the folded edge down to the corner edge tips.

Finishing Your Seasonal Bows

While the bow is still in the Bowdabra, push the loose ends of the bow wire through the loop, pulling tightly and gently pulling the bow out, taking the wire to the back and tying in a knot. Fluff the bows.

Have fun decorating your home with this adorable colors of the season bow!

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