
A Graduation Gift With a Twist

Bowdabra money bouquet

Wanting that perfect graduation gift?

Wondering if you will find just the right card?

Surprise your graduate with a beautiful bouquet, a money bouquet!


Dollar bills in the currency of your choice.

6 feet of green satin ribbon.

One 7 inch strip of green ribbon.

Green chenille stems.

Silk flowers of your choice.

Bowdabra tool.

Bowdabra wire.


1. Gather your supplies

2. Fold a 15 inch length piece of Bowdabra wire in half, place lengthwise into the Bowdabra tool. Insert a dollar bill down the center of the tool.

3. Very gently push the dollar bill down. It will fold slightly accordion style. Use older bills because they are softer and less likely to tear.

4. Insert a second bill, as before, gently push down into the tool. Using the wand, press the bills down. You will now have two bills for your floret.

5. Pull the ends of the bowdabra wire up, insert the loose ends into the loop end and pull the wire into a knot.

6. Pull the edges of the bill outward slightly opening the fan shape.

7. Pull some of the folds forward until your bills take on a rounded shape. You now have your dollar bill flower.

8. Take a chenille stem and fold the top down sideways 1 inch.

9. Tie two florets to each stem.  Fold and twist the stem under the flower. Trim the wire. Make 5 stems.

10. Twist the chenille stems around the wire stem of a silk flower.

11. Prepare your bow. Place the bowdabra wire as described above. Insert your ribbon and make a 3 inch loop. Fold back and forth until you have 4 loops on each side. Pull up and tie.

Take a 7 inch length of ribbon, place in the center of of bow and tie at the back.

Attach to your bouquet.

Congratulations to the graduates!

Sometimes money does grow on trees.

Be sure to visit Bowdabra designer Pat on her Facebook page for more of her beautiful florals



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