Easter Bunny Candy Bouquet

Easter Bunny Candy BouquetWe love all of the bright and cheery colors that pop out at Easter time. Winter really is dragging its feet this year but it hasn’t stopped us from creating fun and colorful crafts. My girls and I made up some cheery Easter Bunny Candy Bouquets to give out to family and friends.

We decided to use mugs for the base because it can be reused. The mugs were picked up at garage sales and the Dollar Store. We also selected candy that our friends and family love which allowed us to personalize each mug bouquet. This is a super easy and inexpensive Easter project.

Materials Needed:

  • Mug
  • Easter Candy
  • Mug filler- we used a scarf
  • Tape or double sided dots
  • Paper Straw or Craft Stick
  • Ribbon of various sizes and colors
  • Mini Bowdabra/Ruler
  • Bowdabra Bow Wire


1. Gather all of your supplies.

2. Add mug filler and Easter Candy. Tape a straw or craft stick to the back of one of the pieces of candy. We used the large Easter bunny in the center. Stick this into the center of the mug and candy. Use more tape depending on the size of your candy.

stick craft tape

3. Make a Bowdabra bow to top off the project. We tied ours to the mug handle.

Mini Bowdabra

4. Place the Hair Bow Tool & Ruler onto the Mini Bowdabra.  Cut 12? of Bowdabra Bow Wire fold the wire in half and place it into the Mini Bowdabra.

Mini Bowdabra

5. Begin by placing the widest ribbon at the 2.0? mark. Fold it back in forth for equal loops on both sides.

Mini Bowdabra 4

6. Add a colorful smaller width ribbon into the Mini Bowdabra and fold that back and forth for 2 equal loops. Trim off extra ribbon.

Mini Bowdabra 6

7. Take another color or patterned ribbon and fold it over 3 times in 1 inch segments.

Mini Bowdabra 7

8. Trim off the end and scrunch the tiny ribbon into the Mini Bowdabra to be the center of the bow.

Mini Bowdabra


9. Scrunch down the ribbon with the Mini Bowdabra Wand.

Mini Bowdabra 5

10. Thread the Bowdabra Bow Wire tails through the loop. Pull the wire tightly. Remove the bow from the Mini Bowdabra and knot the back.

Mini Bowdabra 8

11. Tie the bow to the bouquet. Add it to the handle, to the center candy or wrap bouquet with clear gift wrap and tie off with the bow. Trim off extra Bowdabra Wire.

Mini Bowdabra 9

Easter Bunny Candy Bouquet 10

 Craft Tutorial by Bowdabra Designer Susie Buetow

Easter Bunny Candy Bouquet

DIY Easter Bunny Candy Bouquet

Easter Bunny Candy Bouquet fb

Bowdabra's easy-to-create bow-makers are available at the Bowdabra website's online store and also at various retail establishments such as Amazon, AC Moore, Pat Catan's Stores, Jo Ann store, Michael's, and Walmart.

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