
Back to School Fashion: Funky Loopy Hair Bow

Since my son will be starting Preschool in August, I thought it would be fun to make my daughter a Back to School craft – Funky Loopy Hair bow withHow to Make Back to School Loopy Hair Bow the school colors. Get in the school spirit by making a fun hair bow for your daughter, granddaughter, niece, friend, etc.


1. To make the bow cut 18” of Bowdabra Bow Wire. Fold the wire in half and place it into the Bowdabra.

2. Add a piece of tulle to the Bowdabra.

3. Add a few more pieces of tulle to the Bowdabra to add color.

4. Dovetail a few pieces of sheer ribbon.

5. Place the pieces of sheer ribbon to the Bowdabra.

6. Wrap grosgrain ribbon around several wooden dowels. Use clothespins or alligator clips to hold each end in place. Bake at 250 degrees for 20 minutes. Let cool.

7. Slide each piece of grosgrain off of the wooden dowels. Use scissors to cut 3-3 ½” pieces of curly ribbon.

8. Place several pieces of curly grosgrain ribbon to the Bowdabra. Fold a 5” piece of black ribbon so one end is on top of the other end. Place in the Bowdabra. Do the same thing with a different colored ribbon.

9. Add more curly pieces of grosgrain to the Bowdabra.

10. Scrunch down with the Bowdabra Wand.

11. While the bow is in the Bowdabra, thread the two loose ends of the wire through the loop and pull the wire tightly.

12. Fluff the bow. Tie the Bowdabra Bow Wire around an alligator clip to secure in place. Wear this cute ”œBack to School” hair bow on your first day of school.

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