One of my favorite hobbies is decorating for birthday parties. Planning ahead is definitely one of my strong qualities. I decided to do a Fire truck themed birthday party for my son’s 3rd birthday. The ”œBirthday crafts” theme was perfect for me showcase my skills. Decorate the table with these cute red buckets and add a fun bow for additional cuteness.
1. Gather all the materials you will need to make some fun birthday decorations.
2. Tape circle cutouts to wooden dowels. I taped two circles together so there is a photo on each side.
3. Use the red and white striped grosgrain ribbon and wind around each wooden dowel. Tape in place.
4. Add some rocks to the inside of each bucket. Place the wooden dowel inside so it stays in place.
5. Wrap a piece of yellow polka dot ribbon around each bucket and tape in place. Tape a card stock circle cutout onto the ribbon. Do this on the front and back of each bucket.
6. To make the bow cut 18” of Bowdabra Bow Wire. Fold the wire in half and place it into the Bowdabra.
7. Place the red polka dot ribbon onto the Bowdabra.
8. Make several loops on each side.
9. Scrunch down with the Bowdabra Wand.
10. Thread the two loose ends of the wire through the loop and pull the wire tightly.
11. Fluff the bow.
12. Tie the Bowdabra Bow Wire around the wooden dowel tightly. Wrap the Bowdabra Bow Wire around your finger to make curls.
13. Display your new decorations.
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