Can you believe that my children had absolutely no idea what cassette tapes were? While doing some spring cleaning I came across some of my old cassette tapes holders and just knew they would be perfect for a fun kids craft! My kids love little treasure boxes and the cassette tape holders are easy to decorate and transform into cute little boxes.
So this weekend we got to crafting and they got a little lesson in cassette tapes and I decided to explain VHS tapes, while I was at it. Made for a very interesting conversation – that left me feeling very old!
Materials Needed:
1. Begin with cassette tape holders.
2. Next, have children decorate the outside of the cassette tape holders with cardstock. Hold the cardstock in place with a dry adhesive.
3. Add some little extra details like tags.
4. Or add some 3-D stickers, gems, and ribbon…
5. My daughter also made a bow for hers. To make the bow place the Hair Bow Tool & Ruler onto the Mini Bowdabra. Cut 18″ of Bowdabra Bow Wire and fold it in half. Place the wire into the Mini Bowdabra.
6. Place the ribbon into the Mini Bowdabra and create a 2″ tail. Fold the ribbon at the 1″ mark to make your first bow.
7. Continue making 1″ loops.
8. Cut the ribbon at the 2″ mark for your matching ribbon tail.
9. Scrunch down with the Mini Bowdabra Wand.
10. Thread the two Bowdabra Wire tails through the loop.
11. Pull the wire tightly.
12. Remove the bow from the Mini Bowdabra and tie the wire in the back.
13. Thread the Bowdabra Bow Wire through a button and tie a bow. Trim away excess wire.
14. Glue the bow onto the cassette tape holder.
15. The little treasure boxes made from recycled cassette tape holders are complete.
For more about the designer click here…