Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
I love homemade gifts. I love giving them and receiving them. For years now, one of my favorite to give and to receive and Jar Mixes. These jars are full of all the dry ingredients needed to make a particular bread, cookie, or brownie recipe to name just a few. The really pretty ones are layered with their colorful ingredients (see ideas below from Pinterest.) Two of my favorite are Sweet Bread Mix and Beer Bread Mix.
Beer Bread Mix (goes in a jar)
2 1/2 cups self rising flour
1/2 cup all purpose flour
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
3/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning
How to bake Beer Bread Mix
(This gets written out, typed out and attached to jar mix)
Preheat oven to 375 degree F. Grease 9 X 5 loaf pan.
Stir together 1 can of beer with contents of jar.
Mix for 25 strokes only. Spread dough into greased loaf
pan. Melt 1/4 cup of butter and pour over top of dough.
Bake for 50 minutes. Allow to cool 5 minutes then
turn out onto a cooling rack. Allow to cool a minimum
of 30 minutes before slicing (that is if you can wait that long!)
Materials Needed:
1.Use sheering scissors cut out a piece of circular fabric.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
2. Add mix to quart jar and seal.
3. Add label or tag to jar with tape.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
4. Add fabric circle to top of jar and secure with rubber band.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
5. Cut 12”³ of Bowdabra Bow Wire, fold it in half. Place the wire into the Mini Bowdabra. Add a piece of Christmas wire or garland into the Mini Bowdabra.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
6. Take ribbon and press it into the Mini Bowdabra to create your first tail and first loop.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
6. Continue making equal loops until the bow is as large as you want it.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
7. Add in various sizes of Christmas ribbon into the Mini Bowdabra. Take another piece of Christmas wire or garland and add on top. Scrunch down the ribbon with the Bowdabra Wand.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
8. While the bow is still in the Bowdabra, thread the two loose ends of the Bowdabra Bow Wire through the loop at the other end. Pull the Bowdabra Bow Wire tightly while the bow is still in the Bowdabra.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
9. Gently pull the bow out of the Mini Bowdabra. Separate the two loose ends of the Bowdabra Bow Wire and bring them around to the back of the bow. To tie off the bow, pinch the Bowdabra Bow Wire securely against the bow. Don’t trim the wire. Use it to secure it to the jar lid.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
10. Fluff the bow.
Holiday Food and Treats Bread Jar Mix
For more about the designer click here”¦.</ a>
Here are a few more jar mix ideas we love from our Mason Jar Ideas on Pinterest. Click each jar to go to their pins!
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