
Bowdabra Trendy Skull Bow

Crafters 4 Kids has some cute felt skull teen crafts! Those creative crafters over at Crafters 4 Kids made a ribbon belt with felt skull and a felt skull key chain. We were so inspired by their teen felt skull crafts we designed a felt skull for the centerpiece of one of our hair bows.


To make the skull we first cut out two shapes using stiff craft felt. The first piece of felt had the skull and the bones while the other piece just had the skull.

Next, we wanted to add some stitching onto the top of the skull. We wanted something that “looked” like embroidery stitching but was quick and easy. We used a thin tip Black Elmer’s Opaque Acrylic Marker. They are really easy to work, are quick, and look awesome on felt! Faux stitching in seconds!

Once, we added our faux stitching we hot glued the top of the skull to the bottom of the skull. The hot pink and the black really complimented each other!

To make our bow we used our Mini Bowdabra and our Hair Bow Tool and Ruler. To purchase our Hair Bow Creator Pack visit Bowdabra’s Ribbon Crafts & Things Store. The Hair Bow Creator Pack will give you everything you need to start making hair bows right away. It comes with an interactive CD that gives you step-by-step instructions for making 70 different bows including how to make the bow picture below. The bow picture below has ribbon sprays, a 4? twisted bow, another ribbon spray, topped with a smaller 2? wide twisted bow.

Once bow is formed on the Hair Bow Tool & Ruler use your Bowdabra Bow Wire to hold the bow tightly together.

Final steps include attaching your hair bow to a barrette and hot gluing the skull onto the center of the bow.

Thank you Crafters 4 Kids for inspiring such a fun hair bow with your skull ribbon belt and your skull key chain!

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